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The Detrimental Impacts of Plastic Pollution on Animals

Over the past 70 years, our reliance on plastic — a cost-effective and efficient material — has surged dramatically. However, while the global production and consumption of this versatile material continue to surge, our efforts in disposing and recycling plastics are lagging far behind. The stark reality? Global plastic pollution, once at two million tonnes…

The Environmental Costs of Fast Fashion

New season, new styles, buy more, buy cheap, move on, throw away: the pollution, waste, and emissions of fast fashion are fueling the triple planetary crisis. The annual Black Friday sales on 25 November are a reminder of the need to rethink what is bought, what is thrown away, and what it costs the planet.…

Light Bulb Recycling

Light bulbs after it’s life-period are usually thrown away and not recycled, which then ends up in landfills where the chemicals contained within these may leach to the soil and groundwater affecting the environment. There are many types of light bulbs that can be recycled; the raw materials can be recovered and reused. Using recovered…

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